one more week
So, I'm pretty much done with school, except for one class. One more week and I will no longer be a high school student. That's so weird! I lost it last night at Firehouse and I kind of felt like an idiot. But, yesterday we got our yearbooks and it just like hit me all at once: next year I will be in college. Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited, but at the same time it's kind of scary. It's all happening so fast. Stephanie Campbell and I were talking last night and we were saying how it didn't seem like it's our time to graduate. I remember last year sitting at Cocoa Beach's graduation thinking next year that's gunna be me, but it's so long away. This year FLEW by. I've gotten so close with so many people, this year especially, and I'm afraid that everyone's going to forget me. I know that's stupid, but that's what I see happening. I know God has something amazing ahead for me, but I'm leaving everything that I've been comfortable with for my whole life practically. I prayed last night a lot when I got home and it's a lot easier. I listened to this song by Shawn McDonald called "Beautiful". And it's such a relief because no matter what, God knows me and will take care of me. One of the line's in the song really stood out to me last night, "You know my inner most being, oh Even better than I know, than I know myself" And that's such a relief. If you get the chance, you should listen to it, it's an amazing song. I know this new part of my life will be amazing, but at the same time I'm so scared. But I know God is in control...NO MATTER WHAT!
Yesterday morning, I went to go watch the sunrise, and it was beautiful. Just watching the sun come up over the horizon and to look at the waves crashing on the shore. I took a picture because I'm so cool like that and because I got a new digital camera :)

Ok well that's about it. I hope you all have an awesome weekend. Much love <3