You bring such a calm to the chaos in me

Sunday, March 25, 2007

invisible children

tonight i watched the whole invisible children documentary. i've seen little parts of it before but i've never actually sat down and watched the whole thing. and it was so heartbreaking. i wanted to get up right then and start raising money. and i just want to go hug those children. they are so precious. while the children being abducted and forced to kill anyone and everyone was totally disgusting and touched me deeply there was something else that touched me and will stay with me forever. despite all of the turmoil and grief going on around them, the children worship God everyday and give Him praise and have such a deep faith for Him. i really felt disgusting. i worry about boys and money for things that i really don't need and these young children, and everyone else in the villages, are struggling for their lives. i get angry with God when these pointless things don't go my way and these people praise Him everyday when their lives are in danger, extreme danger. how in the world can i be so selfish? and the woman who talked after we watched the movie tonight said that the people taught her more about her faith then she taught them. it is so amazing. i really wish that i could go to the displace me in orlando on april 28th, but that's the day before i go to guatemala and i need to prepare for that. but i bought a t-shirt tonight and i plan on buying a bracelet of a story of one of the children. i just can't get the images out of my mind. never has something made me more uncomfortable and made me want to do something. and i love it. i just want to love those children and seeing them starving in the displacement camps made me want to just give them food and love them and let them go back to their homes. ah. i love when things make my heart flutter!

just thought i'd share my little insight with you guys :)


Friday, March 16, 2007

come back to me spring break

Spring Break was nice and relaxing...everything it should be. I sat on the beach and just relaxed. I didn't have anything to do, no school work, no work, nothing. just me-time. I didn't really get to see all of the people I wanted to, mainly because pretty much EVERYONE has their spring break this week. Oh well.

I came back up to Tallahassee for a wedding and it was simply AMAZING! I've only been to a couple of weddings, but usually you don't know the bride and groom usually know one better than the other. But both the bride and groom I have gotten the chance to know and I LOVE THEM! They are so in love and it's assuring to me that all guys are not d-bags.

Getting back into school has been harder than I thought. But I'm getting there. ha. I had to write a paper on the death penalty which was really tough because we read 3 different opinions and watched Dead Man Walking. We had to explain why arguments were good and bad and why and the relationship and .... lots of stuff. Then we had to put our opinion in there. It just made me think for once. Hopefully my professor will like it too.

Thursdays are always a day to look forward to, I don't have class until 2 and after class I get to go to boys and girls club. I've never been so in love with children until I went there. They are just so cute and make me forget about whatever's stressing me out. The first time I went, about 5 kids just swarmed me and wanted me to sit with them and hold their hand. It reminded me of being in Nicaragua. I love that. I wish I could have that instinct to go up to everyone and not worry what they will think. GAH! Especially with God, I wish that I could just have that faith and run open arms and excited to whatever He wants me to do. It's real hard and slowly but surely I will get there. :)

I can't wait until summer...Guatemala and have fun at home with my loves...and work..boooooo.